1305 If this option is enabled, all files, irrespective of their content and their file extension, are scanned for viruses or unwanted programs, i.e. the filter is not used. 1310 If this option is enabled, the Guard scans files before opening, reading and executing and after writing. This option is enabled as the default setting and is recommended. 1315 If this option is enabled, the Guard scans the files before they are read or executed by the application or the operating system. 1320 If this option is enabled, the Guard scans a file when writing. You can only access the file again after this process has been completed. 1330 If this option is enabled, only files with a pre-defined extension are scanned. All file types that may contain viruses and unwanted programs are pre-defined. The list can be edited manually via the button File extension. 1335 If this option is enabled, the files are scanned, decompressed and scanned again. Viruses and unwanted programs hidden in these files can also be found in this way. This option is enabled as the default setting and is recommended. 1340 If this option is enabled, only files of local drives such as hard disks, CD and disk drives, MO and ZIP drives etc. are monitored. This option is enabled as the default setting and is recommended. 1355 If this option is enabled, Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic Guard checks whether there is still a disk in disk drive A: when shutting the system down. If this is the case, you receive a corresponding message. 1360 If this option is enabled, the selection of the files scanned for viruses or unwanted programs is automatically chosen by Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic. This means that Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic decides respective of their content, wether the files are scanned or not. 1405 If this option is enabled, a dialog window appears during the on-access scan when a virus or unwanted program is detected in which you can choose what is to be done with the file concerned. This option is enabled as the default setting. 1430 If this option is enabled, an entry is written in the event log for every instance of detection. The administrator can recognize a detection and react accordingly. This option is enabled as the default setting. 1435 If this option is enabled, the Guard plays a sequence of notes in the event of detection. This option is enabled as the default setting. 1505 If this option is enabled, all macros are deleted in the event of a repair, alternatively suspect documents are only reported, i.e. you receive an alert. This option is enabled as the default setting and is recommended. 1510 Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic contains a very powerful heuristic for Windows file viruses, worms and Trojans, which can also detect unknown viruses, worms and Trojans. If this option is enabled, here you can set how 'aggressive' this heuristic should be. 1515 If this option is enabled, Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic detects fewer viruses, worms or Trojans, the risk of false alerts is low in this case. 1520 This option is enabled as the default setting if you have selected application of this heuristic. 1525 If this option is enabled, Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic detects a large number of unknown viruses, worms or Trojans, but you must also expect false positives. 1605 All file accesses of processes in this list are excluded from monitoring by the Guard. 1610 With this button, you can add the process entered in the input box to the display window. 1615 With this button you can delete a selected process from the display window. 1620 All file accesses to objects in this list are excluded from monitoring by the Guard. 1625 With this button, you can add the file object entered in the input box to the display window. 1630 With this button you can delete a selected file object from the display window. 1635 In this box you can enter the name of the file object that is not included in the on-access scan. No file object is entered as the default setting. 1640 In this box you can enter the name of the process that is not included in the on-access scan. No process is entered as the default setting. The names of the individual process can most easily be obtained via the task manager. You can find the names of all currently active processes under the index card 'Processes' of the task manager. Select 'your' process and enter its name (found under 'Image Name'). 1645 The button opens a window in which you can select the file object to be excluded. 1705 If this option is enabled, the Guard does not create a report. \nOnly refrain from enabling reporting in exceptional cases, for example if you carry out test runs with many viruses or unwanted programs. 1710 If this option is enabled, the Guard adds important information (on the found, alerts and errors) to the report file, less important information is ignored in order to provide a clear overview. This option is enabled as the default setting. 1715 If this option is enabled, the Guard also includes less important information in the report file. 1720 If this option is enabled, the Guard includes all information - also that on file size, file type, date etc. - in the report file. 1725 If this option is enabled, the report file can be limited to a certain size; possible values: 1 to 100 MB. This option is enabled as the default setting, with a value of 1 MB. 1730 If this option is enabled, the report file is backed up before shortening. 1735 If this option is enabled, the configuration of the on-access scan used is written in the report file. 4105 If this option is enabled, the scanner only scans the boot sectors of the drives selected for the on-demand scan. This option is enabled as the default setting. 4115 If this option is enabled, all files are scanned for viruses or unwanted programs, irrespective of their content and file extension, i.e. the filter is not used. 4120 If this option is enabled, only files with a specified extension are scanned. All file types that may contain viruses and unwanted programs are preset. The list can be edited manually via the button File extension. 4125 With the aid of this button, a dialog window is opened in which all file extensions are displayed that are scanned in Use file extension list mode. Default entries are set for the extensions, but entries can be added or deleted. 4130 If this option is enabled, the scanner scans the main memory of the workstation with every on-demand scan. This option is enabled as the default setting and is recommended. 4135 With the on-demand scan, the scanner distinguishes between priority levels. This is only effective if several processes are running simultaneously on the workstation. The selection affects the scanning speed. 4140 If this option is enabled, the scan for viruses or unwanted programs can be stopped at any time with the button Stop in the window of the 'Luke Filewalker'. If you have disabled this setting, the button Stop in the window 'Luke Filewalker' has a gray background. Premature ending of a scan process is thus not possible! This option is enabled as the default setting. 4150 If this option is enabled, the selection of the files scanned for viruses or unwanted programs is automatically chosen by Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic. This means that Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic decides respective of their content, wether the files are scanned or not. 4205 If this option is enabled, a dialog window appears during an on-demand scan when a virus or unwanted program is detected in which you can choose what is to be done with the file concerned. This option is enabled as the default setting. 4210 If this option is enabled, you are no longer notified when a virus or unwanted program is found. The scanner reacts according to the settings made by you in this section. 4215 If this option is enabled, the scanner creates a back-up copy before carrying out the requested primary or secondary action. 4220 Primary action is the action carried out when the scanner finds a virus or an unwanted program. If the option repair is selected but a repair of the file involved is not possible, the action selected under Secondary action is carried out. 4225 The option Secondary action can only be selected if the setting Repair was selected under Primary action. With this option it can now be decided what is to be done with the affected file if it cannot be repaired. 4230 If this option is enabled, the scanner plays a sequence of notes in the event of malware detection. This option is enabled as the default setting. 4235 In this input box you can enter the name and the associated path of an audio file of your choice. If this box is empty, the default alert sound is played. 4240 This button is used to test the selected wave file. 4260 The button opens a window in which you can select the required file with the aid of the file explorer. 4305 If this option is enabled, the selected archives in the archive list are scanned. This option is enabled as the default setting. 4310 If this option is enabled, all archive types in the archive list are selected and scanned. 4315 If this option is enabled, the scanner detects whether a file is a packed file format (archive), even if the file extension differs from the usual extensions, and scans the archive. However, for this every file must be opened - which reduces the scanning speed. For example, if a *.zip archive has the file extension *.xyz, the scanner also unpacks this archive and scans it. This option is enabled as the default setting. 4320 If this option is enabled, you limit the depth of the scan in multi-packed archives to a certain number of packing levels (maximum recursion depth). This saves time and computer resources. 4325 You can either enter the required recursion depth directly or alter it with the arrow keys to the right of the input box. 4330 The button restores the pre-defined values for scanning archives. 4335 In this display area you can set which archives the scanner should scan. For this, you must select the relevant entries. 4405 With this button, you can add the file object entered in the input box to the display window. 4410 The button deletes a selected entry in the list. This button is not active if no entry is selected. 4420 The list in this window contains files and paths that should not be included by the scanner in the scan for viruses or unwanted programs. 4425 The button opens a window in which you can select the required file or the required path. \nWhen you have entered a file name with its complete path, only this file is not scanned for infection. If you have entered a file name without a path, all files with this name (irrespective of the path or drive) are not scanned. 4430 In this input box you can enter the name of the file object that is not included in the on-demand scan. No file object is entered as the default setting. 4505 If this option is enabled, all macros are deleted in the event of a repair, alternatively suspect documents are only reported, i.e. you receive an alert. This option is enabled as the default setting and is recommended. 4510 Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic contains a very powerful heuristic for Windows file viruses, worms and Trojans, which can also detect unknown viruses, worms and Trojans. If this option is enabled, here you can set how 'aggressive' this heuristic should be. 4515 If this option is enabled, Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic detects a large number of unknown viruses, worms or Trojans, but you must also expect false positives. 4520 If this option is enabled, Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic detects fewer viruses, worms or Trojans, the risk of false alerts is low in this case. 4525 This option is enabled as the default setting if you have selected application of this heuristic. 4705 If this option is enabled, the scanner does not report the actions and results of the on-demand scan. 4710 If this option is enabled, the scanner reports the names of the affected files with path. 4715 If this option is enabled, the scanner reports warnings and instructions in addition to the names of the affected files with path. 4720 If this option is enabled, the scanner reports all scanned files. In addition, all affected files as well as alerts and instructions are included in the report file. 5330 In this box you can enter the maximum number of days allowed to have passed since the last update of Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic. If this number is exceeded, a warning is displayed in the Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic Control Center. 5340 If this option is enabled, the Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic Configuration can only be saved with administrator rights. 5405 By clicking on the relevant box, the selected type is enabled (check mark set) or disabled (no check mark). 5410 If this option is enabled, all types are enabled. 5415 This button restores the predefined default values. 5505 The update is carried out via the web server. 5705 Here you enter the address (URL) of the web server from which the updates are to be downloaded. 5710 Enter the user name of the Internet account you have chosen. 5715 Enter the password of this Internet account. \nFor security, the actual characters you type in this space are replaced by asterisks (*). 5720 This setting is displayed if your connection is set up via a network. 5725 This setting is displayed if you define your connection individually. 5735 URL or IP address of the 5740 Port number of the proxy server. 5745 Enter your login name on the proxy server here. 5750 Enter the relevant password for logging in on the proxy server here. For security, the actual characters you type in this space are replaced by asterisks (*). 5755 The button resets the default address. 5760 If this option is enabled, your connection to the web server is not carried out via a proxy server. 5770 If your web server connection is set up via a proxy server, you can enter the relevant information here. 5775 This setting is displayed if your connection is set up via a network. 5805 In this input box you enter the temporary path with which Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic works. 5810 If this option is enabled, the settings of the system are used for handling temporary files. 5815 If this option is enabled, the path displayed in the input box is used. 5820 In this input box you enter the temporary path with which Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic works. 5850 d path to the quarantine directory. 5855 The button opens a window in which you can select the required temporary path. 6305 Enter the name of the host to be used here - either its IP address or the direct host name. The maximum possible length of the host name is 127 characters. 6310 In this input box, enter the email address of the sender. The maximum length of the sender s address is 127 characters. 6315 Some mail servers expect a program to verify itself to the server (log in) before an email is sent. Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic can transmit alerts with authentication to the SMTP server via email. 6320 Enter your user name here. 6325 Enter the relevant password here. The password is saved in encrypted form. 57665 Beendet $#PRODUCTSHORTNAME$